uso e dosi - pH-SALT english

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Use and Dosage

The pH-SALT bacterial consortium must be applied according to a dosage of 3 liters per hectare, it is strongly recommended to apply it in a mixture with POWERHUMATO HUMUS with a dosage of 10 kg per hectare and FULVIC FIVE with a dosage of 10 kg per hectare.
These two products
  • bring carbon necessary for the life and proliferation of bacterial consortia,
  • increase the cation exchange capacity of the soil root system,
  • increase the resistance of plants to water stresses and to the stresses of sodium and alkaline soils.

Usually only one application is sufficient but if it is deemed necessary, a second application can be made after 30/40 days
Marcello Bellini srl Strada Zì Maria 297 - 04100 Latina (LT)
Tel. 0773-86058 Cel. 335 8124017
P. IVA/CF 03009240593 CCIAA  LT216842

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